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"Lovely little facility for regional centre - super friendly staff"

About: Fitzroy Crossing Hospital

(as the patient),

I dropped in to undergo a Medical Assessment for licensing purposes. It was mid-afternoon and the person at the counter informed me that appointments were not taken for such purposes. They advised it would be more time-effective for me to return first thing in the morning on the premise I wouldn't need to wait so long.

I returned early in the morning, first client in. I registered accordingly and took my seat. Each client over the next 90 minutes that came in after me was seen first and, by this, I deduced that as my needs were not of an immediate medical nature I would need to wait until these folks were attended to first. Not a big deal. When I was called in, my assessment lasted less than 5 minutes.

The facility is comfortable and relatively new. I found all the staff to be super friendly, right across the board.

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Response from Rachele Ferrari, Operations Manager, Broome Hospital, WACHS Kimberley 7 years ago
Rachele Ferrari
Operations Manager, Broome Hospital,
WACHS Kimberley
Submitted on 4/04/2017 at 10:25 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 11:37 AM

picture of Rachele Ferrari

Dear Coastlife 26,

I am sorry to read you had to wait for your license assessment.

Our hospitals operate on a triage system where those that have a higher health need are seen first.

Thankyou for your patience and understanding.

I will pass on your comments about our friendly staff and comfortable facility.

It is always helpful and beneficial to have client feedback. Thankyou for taking the time to write your story on Patient Opinion

Kind regards

Rachele Humbert

Operations Manager

Derby and Fitzroy Crossing

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