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"Dismissive treatment"

About: Broome Health Campus

(as a relative),

Contacted Broome hospital to check where things stood with regard to doctors referral for my parent to see a surgeon. I felt I was told abruptly there was no referral and that help could not be provided. Contacted surgery that provided the referral. Was provided with a copy of referral sent to Broome Hospital. Then a phone call from the person I spoke with initially at Broome hospital explaining that my parent had not previously presented at the hospital. This is true as they relocated to Broome 7 months ago to live with me due to care requirements for an ongoing medical condition. Why this has any influence on whether a referral is considered at Broome Hospital I don't know. My parent was offered an appointment with a surgeon the following day. Outcome is my parent has been referred to a hospital in Perth for a procedure recommended to happen sooner rather than later. How do I feel about my treatment? Dismissed. Do I feel confident the surgeons instructions will be processed? - No.

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Response from Margi Faulkner, Operations Manager, Broome, WACHS - Kimberley 7 years ago
Margi Faulkner
Operations Manager, Broome,
WACHS - Kimberley
Submitted on 29/03/2017 at 3:38 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 4:00 PM

picture of Margi Faulkner

Dear feeling dismissed,

Firstly I would like to apologise for the way this situation has been handled and made you feel, and also for bringing this issue to my attention. The process and situation you have described is not what I would expect at Broome Hospital, and I would certainly like to investigate and resolve this issue quickly.

In order for me to do this, I will need to get some more details from you and know how to contact you so would ask that you contact me directly on 0417 987 724 or via email on

We do aim to provide compassionate care and a good experience for all our patients, carers and consumers and can only address issues in our service provision when these are identified to us.

I look forward to hearing from you,


Margi Faulkner
Operations Manager, Broome Hospital

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Response from Regional Medical Director, Medical, WA Country Health Service 7 years ago
Submitted on 21/04/2017 at 3:29 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 3:38 PM

Dear feel dismissed,

Concerned for the welfare of your parent, I am writing to check up on progress. Has your parent received a date for surgical follow up in Perth? Do let us know.

Being responsible for the wellbeing and care of senior family members in need can be very stressful, made harder by distance to health services.

If we can advise or liaise further on your behalf, please write back here or get in touch with Margi Faulkner.

Much encouragement,

David Gaskell

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Response from Margi Faulkner, Operations Manager, Broome, WACHS - Kimberley 7 years ago
Margi Faulkner
Operations Manager, Broome,
WACHS - Kimberley
Submitted on 27/04/2017 at 5:47 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 28/04/2017 at 12:49 PM

picture of Margi Faulkner

Dear David and feel dismissed,

My apologies for the delay in uploading this response. I was very grateful that feel dismissed called me directly to give the details of the situation described, in order for me to fully investigate and resolve the issue.

All our staff aim to provide compassionate care and positive experiences for all consumers in our hospital. Frontline staff who interact with people in stressful situations have a difficult job to do, and I appreciated the balanced and considered feedback provided on the phone. This allowed me to pass on specific information to the relevant managers, and they in turn were able to incorporate that feedback into professional development for the staff involved.

I have since called feel dismissed back to describe the causes of the situation and the outcomes.

It is important for all of us to hear how others receive our communication and the impact that can have on their experience, and I thank this respondent for providing us the opportunity to improve in this case.


Margi Faulkner

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