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"Gabba doctors podiatry."

About: ATSICHS Brisbane Institute for Urban Indigenous Health Outreach Service - South East (Checkup Australia) Woolloongabba Clinic

(as the patient),

I am writing to say how good the podiatry is at Gabba Doctors. They do a really good job. I had an ingrown toenail that they have fixed up for me. A few years ago I had a seizure and injured my ankles. They are still swollen and give me a lot a problems. Gabba Podiatry gave me shoes to help with this and I can't walk without them. They're good for my ankles.

I only just made the point system to get the shoes without having to pay for them. I find this strange because I have a chronic ankle injury. People shouldn't have to struggle to get things that make you better when you have a chronic problem.

I really want to thank the staff at Gabba Podiatry for helping me so much. They're really good to me.

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Response from Gayle Stallard, Business Coordinator, CheckUp Australia 7 years ago
Gayle Stallard
Business Coordinator,
CheckUp Australia
Submitted on 21/04/2017 at 9:35 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 9:40 AM

Dear Gabba man,

Thank you very much for your feedback and comments about the service provided to you at the Woolloongabba Clinic.

I have passed on your appreciative comments to the staff at the clinic.

I am also pleased you were able to get well fitted shoes to address your chronic ankle problem and assist with your mobility.

Kind Regards,


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