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"Kununoppin and Districts Health Service - care and concern"

About: Kununoppin Health Service

(as a friend),

I wish to express my sincere thanks to the Kununoppin and Districts Health Service for their care and concern for my friend. Unable to return to their residence because of their deteriorating health and having no immediate family they faced problems with packing and closing their house, selling their car and moving to a care facility. The service went above and beyond the call of duty by helping them organise all the things to move.

Thanks also to the doctor and staff at the Kununoppin Medical Centre, the HSM and staff at the hospital. They are well and less anxious than I've seen them for many months.

Thank you for your care and concern.

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Response from Sean Conlan, Regional Director, WA Country Health Service - Wheatbelt 7 years ago
Sean Conlan
Regional Director,
WA Country Health Service - Wheatbelt
Submitted on 18/04/2017 at 12:07 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 12:23 PM

Dear care and concern,

Thank you for sharing your positive experience on behalf of your friend with the Kununoppin Health Service.

WA Country Health Service (WACHS) Wheatbelt takes pride in providing assistance to ensure our new residents are settled in to our facilities with a minimal amount of stress. This could not be done without our fantastic team of compassionate and caring staff.

I will pass on your compliments to the staff and management at the Kununoppin Health Service with great pleasure.

Thank you for taking the time to share your story on Patient Opinion. This online platform allows us to acknowledge your feedback and share your story with staff. By receiving patient experiences such as yours, it assists us in our ultimate goal of “Providing the Best Care in the Best Place.”

Kind regards

Sean Conlan

Regional Director Wheatbelt

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