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"Inpatient care"

About: Sydney / Sydney Eye Hospital

(as the patient),

Unfortunately, thanks to the nurse who cared for me, I had the worst night of my life. Post surgery for my shattered wrist, this nurse refused to give strong pain medication until 6am, insisting that I had no pain. As a direct result of her actions, I had to remain in hospital for an extra day, in a bid to get my pain under control, and to allow my exhausted body to recover. This was despite calls from other patients in my ward for her to administer appropriate analgesia.

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Response from Jennie Barry, General Manager, Prince of Wales/Sydney/Sydney Eye Hospital 7 years ago
Jennie Barry
General Manager,
Prince of Wales/Sydney/Sydney Eye Hospital
Submitted on 2/05/2017 at 8:49 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 9:05 AM

Dear 'Unfortunately '

Firstly, thank you for taking the time to describe to us your poor experience after your wrist surgery. It is disappointing to hear that your pain was not adequately controlled and you obviously had a very stressful and painful first night after your surgery. I apologise for the treatment you received that night.

Sydney/Sydney Eye Hospital strives to ensure every patient is given the best care possible and has a positive experience within our health service. We obviously enjoy receiving compliments but your insights into how we can do better, are exactly why we joined Patient Opinion. Your specific experience and that of other patients and families have a direct influence on the hospitals quality of care and we will use your story to improve other patients care post-surgery. With that in mind, I respect your decision to stay anonymous, however should you wish to discuss your concerns further, please feel free to contact us to discuss at

All the best for you recovery.

Kind regards


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Update posted by Unfortunately (the patient)

Dear Jennie

Thankyou for your reply. I do appreciate it. I loathe to criticise, but am concerned about future patient care, and was motivated to submit my experience after hearing a similar story, involving the same nurse, from another outpatient at the hand clinic.

The physio I am receiving is fantastic, the doctors and most nurses while I was an inpatient were great. But the one nurse on night shift during my stay sadly, ensured I had the worst night of my life, insisting that my pain, when the anaesthetic block wore off, was not significant.

Thanks again for your reply.

Kind Regards

Response from Jennie Barry, General Manager, Prince of Wales/Sydney/Sydney Eye Hospital 7 years ago
Jennie Barry
General Manager,
Prince of Wales/Sydney/Sydney Eye Hospital
Submitted on 4/05/2017 at 12:02 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 2:27 PM

Dear Unfortunately,

I appreciate your continuing concerns and I am grateful to you for continuing this conversation with us. Patient Opinion has supplied us with further details, which will give us the opportunity to further investigate and tailor education and counselling for that particular nurse and the other staff within the Hand Unit. I also welcome your positive feedback on the care you have been receiving since and this will also be passed onto the staff.

Again if you would like to contact us further, please do.

Kind regards,


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