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"Great patient care by hospital staff"

About: Armadale Hospital / Same Day Unit

(as the patient),

I went in for a day surgery for stripping of varicose veins. There was great patient care by hospital staff. I felt well cared for all my needs were met. Overall an outstanding experience.

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Response from Shae Seymour, Executive Director, Armadale Kalamunda Hospital Group, Armadale Kalamunda Hospital Group 7 years ago
Shae Seymour
Executive Director, Armadale Kalamunda Hospital Group,
Armadale Kalamunda Hospital Group
Submitted on 5/05/2017 at 4:38 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 8/05/2017 at 12:27 PM

picture of Shae Seymour

Dear all needs met

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your recent positive experience at Armadale Hospital.

Our staff take pride in delivering the safest and best possible care to our patients and we are very delighted to have received your positive comments.

Your feedback provides great encouragement to our staff and helps motivate us to strive for even higher standards of care.

I will ensure your compliments are passed on to the Day Surgery team and staff who were involved in your care.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to share your positive views about our service.

Best wishes

Shae Seymour
Executive Director
Armadale Kalamunda Group

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