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"Calling the Hand Clinic"

About: Sydney / Sydney Eye Hospital / 2 West & Hand Clinic Sydney / Sydney Eye Hospital / Hand Therapy

(as the patient),

I have weekly appointments scheduled with Hand Therapy for a fracture, and called the number provided. Despite calling about every half an hour throughout the day, it has gone to voicemail. I called another number and the person told me it didn't look like reception at the Hand Clinic were on the phone and transferred me. The call also went to voicemail. It is a bit frustrating considering I need weekly appointments so its not helpful for them to get back to me in a few days.

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Response from Jennie Barry, General Manager, Prince of Wales/Sydney/Sydney Eye Hospital 7 years ago
We are preparing to make a change
Jennie Barry
General Manager,
Prince of Wales/Sydney/Sydney Eye Hospital
Submitted on 5/05/2017 at 1:13 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 8/05/2017 at 10:47 AM

Dear no answer

I am sorry for the frustration and time it is taking you to book in for your regular Hand Therapy sessions. Your experience gives us valuable feedback about our service and I thank you for providing us with the opportunity to improve our processes.

Your feedback is being reviewed by the clerical staff and manager, looking into longer term solutions. As a short term solution the phones are being upgraded in the Hand Clinic reception to allow for a more flexible answering option for when the clerical staff are busy with clinics or short staffed.

All the best for your continuing treatment and recovery.

Kind regards


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