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"Life saving support and advocacy"

About: Alcohol and Drug Counselling – Gold Coast (Lives Lived Well) Young Family Support Program – Gold Coast (Lives Lived Well)

(as a relative),

My brother is interstate and has been homeless and struggled with literacy and is largely deaf. I have seen first hand how desperate he has been and how determined to fight the prejudice that government representatives in positions of legislated power have shown him. Although he was trying to ask for his rights he was not able to do this in such a complex system by himself, or more particularly as they knew he was by himself up against their vast resources and delegated power. With no one available to advocate and help him through the maize that is 'the system' he was at risk of becoming another statistic. I also saw first hand government agencies change their attitudes towards my brother's request for his enshrined rights once he was being assisted with guidance, advocacy and support from Claire. I am grateful every day for this assistance as is my brother and am watching his emotional and physical well being progress. Thank you 😊

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Response from Julie Dignan, Director (Data and Quality), Lives Lived Well 7 years ago
Julie Dignan
Director (Data and Quality),
Lives Lived Well
Submitted on 18/05/2017 at 1:45 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 1:53 PM

Dear Vlv,

Thank you so much for sharing your story about the barriers your brother has faced and the assistance and advocacy that Claire was able to provide. Claire will be grateful for your acknowledgement of her efforts in this way. Our mission is to be able to assist individuals to improve their lives and we are pleased that on this occasion we were able to assist your brother. We wish you and your brother the very best for the future in your life journey.

Kind regards,


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