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"Caring staff"

About: Sydney / Sydney Eye Hospital

(as a service user),

I presented myself at the emergency department at the Sydney Eye Hospital with acute uveitis and received careful attention by all the staff I was involved with and in particular Dr B. They were particularly careful and caring towards me. The problem with my eye seems to be relieved.

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Response from Jennie Barry, General Manager, Prince of Wales/Sydney/Sydney Eye Hospital 7 years ago
Jennie Barry
General Manager,
Prince of Wales/Sydney/Sydney Eye Hospital
Submitted on 2/06/2017 at 10:05 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 10:16 AM

Dear felt cared for

Thank you for taking the time to write to us about your recent visit to the Emergency Department at Sydney/Sydney Eye Hospital through Patient Opinion. It is pleasing to hear the staff and in particular Dr B met your needs through their care and attention.

It is reassuring your acute uveitis is resolved.

Again thank you for your feedback and I will share your experience with the staff in the Emergency Department.

Kind regards


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