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"My aged brother"

About: Sutherland Hospital

(as a relative),

The care he is receiving is tantamount to cruelty, he is totally dependent on help with eating, moving etc and the amount of times we have arrived to find him in a thin hospital gown and freezing cold is not acceptable, we are aware that the staff have a lot to do and have a lot of patients to care for however, I think that checking on a patient periodically is imperative when they can't do for themselves, he was in bead and soaked in urine yesterday when his wife went to visit and as you can imagine this is very distressing for everyone we live in a society that is not third world but some of these patients are being treated as such.

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Response from Kim Olesen, Executive Director of Operations, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District 7 years ago
Kim Olesen
Executive Director of Operations,
South Eastern Sydney Local Health District
Submitted on 6/07/2017 at 1:19 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 1:20 PM

Dear Dassy

I am very concerned to read of your brothers experience at Sutherland Hospital. We would like to follow this up as a matter of priority for you and your brother. We take your concerns very seriously and I have referred your feedback to the Director of Nursing (Jan Heiler) and to the General Manager (Karen Becker) of Sutherland Hospital. Although I appreciate that you may wish to remain anonymous, I would urge you to contact Jan Heiler on her email and I would like to reassure you that we will look into your concerns for your brothers care.

I am sorry that in this instance we have not provided the high standard of care that our staff pride themselves on and once again, encourage you to contact Jan.

Thank you for sharing your story on Patient Opinion. Your feedback enables us to review and improve the care that we provide to our patients.

Kind regards


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Update posted by Dassy (a relative)

I will be contacting the Director of Nursing over this matter.

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