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"Level of care at Bunbury Regional Hospital"

About: Bunbury Hospital

(as the patient),

I had a total knee replacement late last year and wanted to let the staff know how much I appreciated the care and support I received during my stay at Bunbury Hospital. I ended up with fracture blisters which took some time to heal. The experienced staff and support workers made this extended stay stress free and as comfortable as it could be.

I would also like to commend the hospital for the physiotherapy services provided post operation - it was great to have access to this service and the experienced staff working there. They couldn't have done more for me which I really appreciated.

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Response from Jan Cook, Operations Manager Coastal Hospital, WACHS South West 7 years ago
Jan Cook
Operations Manager Coastal Hospital,
WACHS South West
Submitted on 18/07/2017 at 4:10 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 4:59 PM

picture of Jan Cook

Dear Greatful Bunbury WA,

Thank you for posting your experience via the Patient Opinion website.

Feedback like yours is wonderful to receive and to share with the staff as they strive to provide good care to patients. I will be very delighted in passing on your compliments to our staff both on the ward and the physiotherapy department.

I hope you are recovering well.


Jan Cook

A/Operations Manager, Bunbury Hospital

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