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"Help for my child with Developmental Coordination Disorder."

About: Bentley Child Development Service (Andrea Way)

(as a parent/guardian),

Extremely good staff and therapists, went the extra mile and showed they cared, more than a job for these therapists. Amazing

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Response from Lisa Brennan, Executive Director, Child and Adolescent Community Health, Child and Adolescent Health Service - WA 7 years ago
Lisa Brennan
Executive Director, Child and Adolescent Community Health,
Child and Adolescent Health Service - WA
Submitted on 7/08/2017 at 5:37 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 8/08/2017 at 9:11 AM

Dear They cared,

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide feedback on the Bentley Child Development Service at Andrea Way. Providing every child and family with the best possible service is the reason we come to work each day, and it is wonderful to receive such a lovely comment.

Best wishes

Lisa Brennan
Executive Director
Child and Adolescent Community Health

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