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"Emergency Care at Margaret River Hospital"

About: Bunbury Hospital Margaret River Hospital

(as a staff member),

I presented to the Emergency Department at Margaret River Hospital with my husband who was seriously unwell. Immediately the staff responded to his care and called the doctor in to assess along with the nursing staff as to what the condition was he was experiencing. After sometime of assessment he was sent through to Bunbury with nurse escort, at this stage I was now extremely concerned and upset but at the same time felt completely confident in the nursing staff and doctor that had cared for him to that point. We had a second presentation to the Emergency Department 2 days later and once again the care and professional treatment of my husband was fantastic.

This story is to show our gratitude and appreciation and admiration for the medical staff at Margaret River Hospital.


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Response from Marie Tweedie, Director of Nursing - Health Service Manager, Leeuwin, WACHS SW 7 years ago
Marie Tweedie
Director of Nursing - Health Service Manager, Leeuwin,
Submitted on 7/08/2017 at 11:39 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 1:15 PM

Dear Showing our gratitude

Thank you for sharing your feedback about your experiences at the Margaret River Hospital Emergency Department. The team work very hard to deliver this level of care and are always appreciative of positive feedback. Thank you for taking the time to post this encouraging response. This has been passed on to the Clinical team.

I hope that your husband is recovering well.


Marie Tweedie

Acting District Manager Leeuwin

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