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"Supposedly Diabetic Meal"

About: Sale Hospital / Emergency Department Sale Hospital / Medical Service/Ward

(as the patient),

I was recently a patient in Central Gippsland Health Sale.

The treatment by staff was wonderful. Breakfast was a learning experience. Margarine instead of butter, skim milk, jam, no toast but a dinner roll, I eat sourdough bread. Also Weetbix which are known to be full of sugar, and orange juice, all things that I would not eat at home. I am a diabetic.

Just wondering could the dietitian maybe sort out the meals?

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Response from Frank Evans, Chief Executive Officer, Central Gippsland Health 7 years ago
Frank Evans
Chief Executive Officer,
Central Gippsland Health
Submitted on 28/08/2017 at 3:54 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 3:59 PM

picture of Frank Evans

Dear About the food

Thank you for telling us your story and for the positive feedback about our staff.

Thanks also for the feedback about the food. I am sorry that we provided an inappropriate diet.

We are keen to ensure our patients receive the correct diet and I will look into what went wrong for you.

If you are happy to contact me and provide me with your details I will be able to investigate what happened more specifically.

I can be contacted 0351438319 or by email at

Kind regards


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