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"Incorrect medication on discharge"

About: Broome Health Campus

(as the patient),

I went in to the Broome Hospital for an operation. I have had previous procedures done there before - it is clearly noted on my file that I have a penicillin allergy. The doctor that discharged me, seemed in a rush, prescribed me amoxicillin. Luckily my wife noticed this when she went to purchase the medication from the chemist and the pharmacist was helpful in calling the hospital an getting some other medication prescribed.

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Response from Shane Bolton, Acting Operations Manager, Broome, Management, WACHS Kimberley 7 years ago
Shane Bolton
Acting Operations Manager, Broome, Management,
WACHS Kimberley

manages the running of Broome hospital

Submitted on 29/08/2017 at 10:49 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 11:14 AM

picture of Shane Bolton

Dear unhappy tax payer

It has concerned me to read your story on Patient Opinion. Your feedback highlights just how important it is (no matter how busy) to check our patient’s notes.

The West Australian Country Health Service is committed to responding to feedback and using patient feedback to improve our service.

I would like the opportunity to investigate this for you and invite you to contact me directly on 0417 987 724 or email on so I can find out further details. Your confidentiality will be respected and I can reassure you that no personal details will be posted.

Thanks again for getting in touch. I am sorry this has occurred and I hope you will contact us soon so we can undertake a detailed review.

I hope you are making a speedy recovery post-surgery and I’ll look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards

Shane Bolton

Acting Operations Manager

Broome Hospital

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Response from Shane Bolton, Acting Operations Manager, Broome, Management, WACHS Kimberley 7 years ago
Shane Bolton
Acting Operations Manager, Broome, Management,
WACHS Kimberley

manages the running of Broome hospital

Submitted on 5/10/2017 at 1:49 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 2:10 PM

picture of Shane Bolton

Dear unhappy tax payer,

I would like to follow up on your story posted 28 August 2017. As of yet, you have not yet made contact with us. If you would like me to enquire into your experience, please feel free to contact me on 0417 987 724. looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards


  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
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