This is in regards to the mental health ward at Broome Hospital.
I was a voluntary inpatient at the hospital due to severe depression and anxiety. Complaints are as follows:
1. After being given medication to help me sleep and actually being in a deep sleep for 4 hours, in my opinion a nurse barged in, turned on all the lights, woke me up and told me I needed to move to general because the bed was needed by someone who was very sick. I have been told by the Psychologist that this was unacceptable practice and it should never have happened. Due to my heightened state of anxiety, I obviously didn't handle the situation well.
2. In the number of days I was in the ward I spoke to a Psychologist once. The nurses spent the entire weekend sitting around watching TV. They planned no activities for any of the patients and indeed, in my opinion on a number of occasions refused to take patients out for something as simple as a walk, because in their words - it's a weekend just relax. I watched this with interest as patients began to unravel. They simply sit or walk around in circles all day waiting for their next hourly cigarette. I believe the nurses wouldn't even let the patients watch TV until I myself piped up.
3. I witnessed a number of nurses speaking, in my view, poorly to patients on regular occasions including calling a person who has extreme mental illness a sore loser over and over again after they lost a game of chess to one of the staff. I feel that all the nurse did was heighten their reaction instead of dampening it. Then I believe they gave them very heavy drugs and sent them to their room.
4. On a number of occasions nurses spoke directly in front of myself and other patients about inappropriate personal matters. In a place where there are many vulnerable people, dealing with a lot of emotional concerns - how that's acceptable behaviour is beyond me.
5. I've received no follow up care. I'm now sitting in General not knowing what is going on. Not one of the so called mental health nurses have visited me.
There are a number of other issues that I would like to speak in person about with someone as soon as possible. I feel the behaviour by a lot of the nurses in there is completely deplorable.
I have been working in the area for a number of years now and have had much training in dealing with trauma and I am certainly not delusional in any way and intend on taking this further if these issues are not addressed. I believe many of the nurses are not trained in mental health. This was told to me by one of the nurses in the ward.
"Mental Health Ward"
About: Broome Health Campus / Mental Health Broome Health Campus Mental Health Broome 6725
Posted by Psychology (as ),
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