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"Doctor too busy."

About: Boyup Brook Soldiers Memorial Hospital

(as a parent/guardian),

Earlier this year my adult child was involved in a car accident and they ended up in Boyup Brook Hospital

My child had dislocated their shoulder & when the doctor arrived he asked my child and the nurse which shoulder was dislocated, then he felt the good shoulder and said - yes this is definitely dislocated - but I am running late at the surgery so I will come back in a couple of hours to put it back in. The nurse had to ask for some pain relief and after two hours the doctor still hadn't turned back up. So my child left and went to another hospital where a friendly doctor who knew what they were doing, put my child's shoulder back in within 30 mins.

I'm concerned that if my child had more serious injuries that this doctor, who it seemed,couldn't even figure out the difference between a dislocated and non dislocated shoulder didn't have the training to see what was wrong with him.

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Response from Trisha Power, Regional Manager Aged Care, WACHS - South West 7 years ago
Trisha Power
Regional Manager Aged Care,
WACHS - South West
Submitted on 27/09/2017 at 9:53 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 9:57 AM

picture of Trisha Power

Dear concerned Mum

Thank you for sharing your story on Patient Opinion. I am sorry to read that you have concerns about the treatment your child received at Boyup Brook Hospital.

We value your feedback and would welcome the opportunity to discuss your experience and explore ways of improving our service. I encourage you to contact me on (08) 9781 2023 or on email via

Once again, I am sorry that you and your child had this experience with our service and I would like you to know that hearing stories such as yours is actually really helpful in terms of highlighting where we need to improve.

Kind regards

Trisha Power

Acting Operations Manager Inland

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