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"Birth of our child"

About: Broome Health Campus / Maternity/Midwifery

(as a parent/guardian),

Midwive Jo at Broome Hospital cared for us during our pregnancy, including post birth care support and visits.

She showed an extraordinary level of care, professionalism, compassion and support during the entire pregnancy to our whole family. She put all of us at ease with her calming influence and was fantastic managing the birth process.

Thanks Jo!

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Response from Maureen Crowther, Patient Opinion Cordinator, Nursing, WA Country Health Service 7 years ago
Maureen Crowther
Patient Opinion Cordinator, Nursing,
WA Country Health Service

Currently rolling out patient opinion across the Kimberley

Submitted on 5/10/2017 at 4:40 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 4:49 PM

picture of Maureen Crowther

Dear Very Happy Dad,

Congratulations on the birth of your child: a truly amazing, joyful moment!

Thank you for taking the time to express your kind words of appreciation for the midwifery team, especially Jo. I will pass on your comments.

We are very fortunate to have amazing, professional and caring midwives in the Kimberley.

I hope all is going well with the new baby!

Kind regards

Maureen Crowther

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