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"I felt it was uncalled for."

About: Wonthaggi Hospital / Emergency Department

(as the patient),

I was an inpatient and they had the Social Worker come and see me. The Social Worker did not seem to know much and told me that they didn't know about an area that I needed help with when they could have gone and made inquiries. To my astonishment, I felt the Social Worker, made a derogatory comment about my illness in front of myself and my 3 other roommates. We were all shocked and I felt picked on and humiliated in front of my roommates. The Social Worker seemed to enjoy putting me down. In my opinion, if you cannot conduct yourself in a professional manner then maybe you shouldn't work there. I feel that it was so unprofessional and uncalled for.  

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Response from Jan Child, CEO, Bass Coast Health 6 years ago
Jan Child
Bass Coast Health
Submitted on 23/10/2017 at 5:11 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 5:29 PM

picture of Jan Child

Dear Almost gave up

Thank you once again for taking the time to post some additional feedback - this is not the sort of experience we want you to have. As per my earlier response to you, I would very much like to talk to you and get some more detail so that I can follow up with the staff involved. Please feel free to give me a call on 0472846355.

Kind regards,

Jan Child

CEO, Bass Coast Health

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Update posted by Almost gave up (the patient)

Hi Jan,

Again thanks for your response to my post. As I said in my previous response I am concerned about my identity becoming known as the social worker will probably know who I am. I am only stating the facts of what happened to me and not out to cause trouble. I thought it was such an unprofessional way to behave when the social worker is a valued member of staff. Again I am just so very glad that my experience has been brought to your attention and hopefully you will take measures in preventing it happening to other patients.

Response from Jan Child, CEO, Bass Coast Health 6 years ago
Jan Child
Bass Coast Health
Submitted on 29/10/2017 at 7:14 AM
Published on Care Opinion on 30/10/2017 at 10:00 AM

picture of Jan Child

Hello again, Since your last post, I have spoken to the Director of the Emergency Department. He and the Nurse Unit Manager will take the themes from your two posts and make sure they are discussed with staff so that the expectations of respect and compassion are foremost in staff members minds. We absolutely respect your wish to remain anonymous although I reassure you that feedback is always presented to staff as an opportunity to learn. Thank you once again for your response and you have my number or email if you change your mind and would like to chat personally. All the best to you.

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