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"We felt totally belittled."

About: Esperance Health Campus

(as a staff member posting for a carer/relative),

My girlfriend & myself were told by our local GP to attend the Emergency Department at the Esperance Hospital as the GP was booked out. After a 3/4 hour wait she was finally seen by a doctor who we felt totally belittled us both. The doctor totally contradicted our own GP's advice that Pneumonia is contagious as well as several articles on the internet which also state that Pneumonia is contagious. We were both that taken aback with what we felt was this doctor's arrogance, that we were speechless. My girlfriend suffers from social anxiety & because of this doctor's attitude she clammed up telling him there was little wrong with her just to get away from him. In my opinion, this doctor needs have some compassion & bedside manners before his rudeness & arrogance results in a patient dying.

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Response from Peter Tredinnick, Executive Director, Regional Office, WACHS Goldfields 6 years ago
Peter Tredinnick
Executive Director, Regional Office,
WACHS Goldfields

Executive Director WACHS Goldfields

Submitted on 24/10/2017 at 4:57 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 5:39 PM

picture of Peter Tredinnick

Dear Felt belittled

I am very concerned having read about your experience with a Doctor at the Esperance Emergency Department. Your treatment by this person does not reflect the values of our organisation. Every person accessing our services deserves to be treated with respect and compassion. I encourage you to contact the Operations manager Margaret Smillie on 9079 8071 or email her at to discuss this matter further. This contact will enable us to identify and remind those involved of their obligations and the professional standards required of them.

Kind regards

Peter Tredinnick

A/Regional Director

WACHS Goldfields

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