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About: Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital

(as the patient),

I was waiting in the consulting room for the doctor for approximately 50 minutes. As well as my notes there was another patients file. At one point a nurse came in and moved both files slightly and put something on the desk. I felt concerned that confidential patient files were left unattended. Is this a regular occurrence in this hospital?



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Response from Jennifer Francis, A/Director Safety, Quality & Performance, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, North Metropolitan Health Service 6 years ago
Jennifer Francis
A/Director Safety, Quality & Performance, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital,
North Metropolitan Health Service
Submitted on 14/11/2017 at 11:42 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 11:44 AM

Dear Phasmidae,

Thank you for taking the time to tell us of your concerns regarding the location and confidentiality of patient files at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital.

Patient files will frequently be placed on desks in clinic, ward and other areas in the hospital to make sure they are available for clinical staff to use as part of patient care. Staff in these areas should ensure that files are covered or stored so that they cannot be viewed by the public. I am sorry this did not occur on this occasion.

SCGH takes patient confidentiality very seriously and as such is included in many of our policies and guidelines. I will raise your concerns with our staff management groups to remind their staff of the importance of patient confidentiality and location/storage of patient files.

Thank you again, we appreciate your feedback as it helps us to improve our service for our patients and families.

Kind regards

Jennifer Francis

A/Director Safety, Quality & Performance Unit, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital

on behalf of

Tony Dolan

A/Executive Director, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital

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