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"No Appointments"

About: Wyndham Hospital

(as the patient),

In my opinion the nurses at Wyndham Hospital are very rude when you visit the emergency room for something that requires a doctors appointment. Do they realise there aren't any appointments as there is normally only the one doctor on staff, and do they realise when there are two doctors on staff you can't get an appointment for 7 working days time? 

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Response from Donna Hindmarsh, Regional Nursing and Midwifery Director - Kimberley, Kimberley, WA Country Health Service 6 years ago
Donna Hindmarsh
Regional Nursing and Midwifery Director - Kimberley, Kimberley,
WA Country Health Service
Submitted on 21/11/2017 at 9:43 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 9:43 AM

Dear CommunityServices,

I am sorry you feel that you have been dealt with rudely. All staff who work for the West Australian Country Health Service have a Code of Conduct which guides their behaviour. I will be travelling to Wyndham tomorrow and would have the opportunity to investigate the matter further. Can you please contact me on 91664233 or 0408944305 to provide further details. I look forward to hearing from you.

Donna Hindmarsh

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