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About: Royal Melbourne Hospital / Emergency Department

(as the patient),

Recently I attended emergency. You guys looked very busy.Triage did not ask about allergies. The doctor did I saw did not ask about allergies.

It wasn't until I was at the chemist exhausted 6 hours later, as I was in emergency for 5.5 hours that I realised I was prescribed the only drug I am known to be allergic to.

Point of note - I attended the Melbourne on two previous occasions and on both visits I was asked so.....

Not only was there a breakdown (I feel), with communication in regards to asking about allergies but also with the data management system as I feel conflict of records from previous visits such as allergies/age/contact details should direct staff to ask appropriate questions to ensure this kind of error does not happen.

Anyway, I love you guys and can't thank you enough for helping when it is really needed.

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