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"Passing the buck"

About: GPs in the Farrer Electoral District

(as other),

My partner and I are experiencing an unwanted pregnancy where we have established the need for termination for various personal and logical reasons.

Living in a regional community the trend for health professionals is usually fly in fly out on a rotational basis and this is the case for the would-be gynaecologist, although only one does terminations.

Our local GP had started my partner on her referral process only to hit several hurdles along the way, including needing to rebook a GP appointment for a further ultrasound. They called her and were only able to offer a new time a number of weeks into the future. Unfortunately, after her appointment they were able to inform her there was nothing they could do locally any longer and 2 weeks prior was absolute cut off. My partner has begun to cry and become overwhelmed, with little to no empathy given to her and only a phone number for a clinic in Adelaide to use as an alternative route.

I've called to officially complain and received a call asking to come in soon for assistance with IPTAAS (Isolated Patients Travel and Accommodation Assistance Scheme). This was not offered earlier and is still too little too late, now leading up to Christmas with plans with family already made we may need to now travel 8+ hours for the intended treatment that was not offered fo us locally to full potential. Very upset with our local GP clinic, feeling very let down.



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