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"Patient care at Nickol Bay Emergency Department."

About: Nichol Bay Hospital Emergency Department

(as the patient),

I have recently been admitted to the emergency department twice. The first occasion was with a life threatening condition, and the second as a precautionary measure while awaiting test results.

I have developed the greatest respect for the doctors and nurses that staff this department. I believe the standard of care is the best it could possibly be due to the diligence and passion of the staff.

One factor that I believe that set the staff above the rest, is at each stage of treatment,time is taken to explain to the patient what is happening,and what is about to happen. Also the dignity and respect for the patient is never compromised however busy the staff are.

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Response from Penny Curtis, Clinical Risk Manager, Patient Safety & Quality, WA Country Health Service (WACHS) Pilbara 6 years ago
Penny Curtis
Clinical Risk Manager, Patient Safety & Quality,
WA Country Health Service (WACHS) Pilbara
Submitted on 18/12/2017 at 5:36 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 5:42 PM

Thank you so much, Patient care never compromised, for submitting your feedback on the Patient Opinion website. That is very kind of you to take the time to submit such positive feedback on the communication skills of doctors and nurses during your recent two ED visits.

Your feedback has been shared by Matthew Ravenscroft the Operations Manager at Nickol Bay Hospital with the doctors and nurses at the Emergency Department at Nickol Bay Hospital. It is lovely to be able to share with staff such a thoughtful compliment that recognises their hard work and the dignity and respect that they have for patients.

I’m sorry to hear that you had 2 recent ED visits, and I hope that you are recovering well.

Kind regards,


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