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"My child is attending speech pathology."

About: Busselton Health Campus

(as a parent/guardian),

We've had a number of appointments now.  At the first appointment the therapist was able to show me the lisp problem, which I feel the previous therapist had not explained well.

We discussed methods of improving my child's s sound through games, reading etc - activities I can do with my child at home.  At each appointment Ali talks to my child and challenges my child with new activities.  My child now fully understands what they need to practice and is improving. 

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Response from Wendy McKinley, A/Operations Manager, Coastal, WACHS - South West 6 years ago
Wendy McKinley
A/Operations Manager, Coastal,
WACHS - South West
Submitted on 13/12/2017 at 6:56 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 14/12/2017 at 10:31 AM

Dear Good therapy

Thank you for your post regarding speech therapy at Busselton Health Campus.

We have been receiving some very positive feedback regarding the speech programs and it is always much appreciated.

I will make sure Ali learns of your post and I imagine she will be very happy to hear that she has been able to make a difference.

It is wonderful to see that your child is progressing well. Good luck with the rest of the journey.


Wendy McKinley

A/Operations Manager Coastal

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