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"Positive experiences at Fiona Stanley Hospital"

About: Fiona Stanley Hospital / Cardiothoracic Surgery & Transplantation & Ward 4C

(as the patient),

After various dealings with Fiona Stanley Hospital (open heart surgery, cardiology appointments, cardiology gym and post-surgery care), I cannot speak highly enough of the high levels of competency and care given by staff and administration. Thank you for an often very difficult, emotionally draining job. It is not humanly possible to totally switch off and be robots, yet here the staff are day after day dealing with often-times difficult patients, as well as their own personal lives adding to the mix. Given all this, I feel FSH is a first-rate hospital with well-trained, competent staff. All the staff I have encountered do a wonderful job in a difficult job.

I just wanted to express my appreciation for all the effort from all involved. Thank you.

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Response from Janet Zagari, Executive Director Transformation, South Metropolitan Health Service, South Metropolitan Health Service 6 years ago
Janet Zagari
Executive Director Transformation, South Metropolitan Health Service,
South Metropolitan Health Service
Submitted on 20/12/2017 at 10:33 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 11:08 AM

picture of Janet Zagari

Dear airkm95,

Thank you for your delightful comments about the care you have received at Fiona Stanley Hospital. We are very proud of our cardiology and cardiothoracic services which strive to deliver the highest quality, seamless and coordinated care possible with you - the patient - at the "heart" of everything we do. It is feedback like yours that makes the work worthwhile. Your appreciation is gratefully received, and I have relayed this to the staff involved with thanks for their excellent work.

We always try to make our services even better, so if you have any suggestions, no matter how big or small, for how we can make your experience even more positive, please do not hesitate to contact us to let us know.

Kind regards

Janet Zagari

A/Executive Director

Fiona Stanley Fremantle Hospital Group

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