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"Wonderful care at Peel Health Campus"

About: Peel Health Campus

(as the patient),

I attended Peel Health Campus for a minor procedure. Staff were wonderful from beginning to end. I was well looked after in pleasant surroundings and very happy with the care I received.

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Response from Margaret Sturdy, Director Medical Services, Peel Health Campus, Ramsay Healthcare 6 years ago
Margaret Sturdy
Director Medical Services, Peel Health Campus,
Ramsay Healthcare
Submitted on 19/12/2017 at 6:39 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 20/12/2017 at 9:49 AM

picture of Margaret Sturdy

Dear gammatr43,

Thank you for your delightful comments on Patient Opinion about your recent experience at Peel Health Campus. I will pass your comments on to the day procedure unit. Season's greetings to you and your loved ones.

Kind regards,

Margaret Sturdy

Chief Executive Officer

Peel Health Campus

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