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"Sent away without a diagnosis."

About: Liverpool Hospital

(as a parent/guardian),

A family member admitted them-self for a kidney infection. After a couple of days, nothing was successfully diagnosed and they were told to find someone, somewhere else to help them. In my opinion this is pathetic. I thought this was a hospital with professional people!?

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Response from Care Opinion Australia 6 years ago
Submitted on 9/01/2018 at 5:41 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 5:51 PM

The following response has been published by Patient Opinion on behalf of Liverpool Hospital.

Dear No diagnosis,

I am sorry our service did not meet your requirements. In order to have a look into this a little more I would be happy to talk with you, to listen to your experience and work with you and our staff so that we learn to do things better.

Also importantly I do want to make sure that you are now receiving treatment or have improved. You can contact me directly on (02) 87386924 or e-mail me at

I hope to hear from you.

Kind regards,

Ken Hampson

Director of Clinical Governance SWSLHD

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