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"Visit to Augusta Hospital"

About: Augusta Hospital

(as the patient),

Had chest pains for two days and was working and staying in Augusta so went up to the hospital for a check up. Had a full check up by two very professional nurses who could not have made me more at ease. Would just like to thank Ruth and Carl for their cheerful, helpful attitude. Nothing was too much trouble. In my opinion, the type of service sadly lacking in most professions today. I hope I remembered their names right.

Cheers and once again, thank you.

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Response from Marie Tweedie, Director of Nursing - Health Service Manager, Leeuwin, WACHS SW 6 years ago
Marie Tweedie
Director of Nursing - Health Service Manager, Leeuwin,
Submitted on 22/01/2018 at 3:33 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 4:02 PM

Dear Cheers and thank you

Thank you for taking the time to write to us, your story brightened up my day! I will take great pleasure in passing your feedback on to our staff.

I hope that you are doing well and on your journey back to good health.

Kind regards and best wishes

Marie Tweedie

A/District Manager - Leeuwin

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