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"Continuation of problem. Compression sleeve still not received yet."

About: Bentley Hospital

(as the patient),

I have previously written on Patient Opinion regarding this matter - original and follow-up stories.

Towards the end of last year I saw the therapist and was told the order should proceed quickly as finance had been approved.   I was told to expect it before Christmas, but as the therapist was going on holidays I might not get it until her return early January.  It is now 27th January 2018 and I have not heard anything.  Other than a brief telephone conversation in early January where the therapist said she was only just back from holiday and would follow up on the matter.   I do not believe the problem is with the therapist, but with the department that processes the finances and orders.  I believe these huge delays must be causing considerable stress and angst to many patients and their families if this is what is happening to other items that are needed.

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Response from Lesley Bennett, Chief Executive, East Metropolitan Health Service 6 years ago
Lesley Bennett
Chief Executive,
East Metropolitan Health Service
Submitted on 31/01/2018 at 12:25 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 12:31 PM

picture of Lesley Bennett

Dear Fobbed off

I am very sorry for the delay that you are continuing to experience in receiving your new compression garment. Unfortunately we have experienced significant delays regarding the quotation, custom manufacturing and overseas couriering processes, especially over the festive season. We have closely followed up this order and you are correct in that the delays have been out of our control.

I can inform you that your custom garment has been made in Germany and dispatched to the courier. The Therapist will be in touch with you as soon as it arrives.

If you have any further queries please don't hesitate to contact the Bentley Therapist. I understand that they have recently attempted to make contact and left messages for you.

Thank you for your feedback and I trust that this issue is resolved for you shortly.

Kind regards

Dr Lesley Bennett

Director of Clinical Services

Royal Perth Bentley Group

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