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"I found help and support"

About: Lives Lived Well – Dubbo (Roadmaps)

(as a service user),

My participation in Roadmaps and my commitment to recovery has, I believe, enabled me to repeat the program and be a peer-leader.

I had a big poly-drug habit which I feel is now under control.

I found help and support is available and can make a big difference rather than struggling alone or staying stuck.

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Lara McLaughlin, Quality Co-ordinator, Lives Lived Well 4 years ago
Lara McLaughlin
Quality Co-ordinator,
Lives Lived Well
Submitted on 16/03/2020 at 10:22 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 10:29 AM

Dear deploymentre63,

Well done you!

Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback on the Roadmaps program. I am pleased that you were able to access the program for a second time, cement what you have learnt, and progress to become a 'peer-leader' while in the program.

I am sure you will be in touch if you need help or just a chat in the future - our Roadmaps staff are dedicated to aiding recovery and such good stories make their jobs so much better!

Keep up the good work.

Kind regards,

Lara McLaughlin
Quality Improvement Coordinator NSW.

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