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"Joining Roadmaps"

About: Lives Lived Well – Dubbo (Roadmaps)

(as a service user),

When I joined Roadmaps I was ready and motivated to make changes to my lifestyle and move in a better, more positive direction. One session we all shared a cake the staff got for me to celebrate my longest period out of jail.

It's nice to share something positive with others who take time to care.

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Response from Lara McLaughlin, Quality Co-ordinator, Lives Lived Well 4 years ago
Lara McLaughlin
Quality Co-ordinator,
Lives Lived Well
Submitted on 16/03/2020 at 12:53 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 1:11 PM

Dear triangulumdh46,

Thank you for letting us know how you found Roadmaps. It's great to hear that you shared positive moments with staff who care.

Congratulations by the way! You should be very proud of your milestone of 'longest period out of jail'.

Keep up the good work and please contact our services again if you ever feel like you need extra support.

Kind regards,

Lara McLaughlin, Quality Improvement Coordinator NSW

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