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"Unprofessional approach regarding mental health"

About: Pilbara Mental Health and Drug Service

(as the patient),

I was admitted to hospital in a poor mental health state, I was lucky enough to speak with a psych via video link.

Whilst finally opening up about what's happening, childhood etc. A person enters the room, grabs a chair and sits by me. I had not met or even seen them before and I believe my psych was also unsure of who they were. They later introduced themselves to my psych before introducing themselves to me, by stating their first name and said they are a mental health worker. After being filled in from the psych where we were up to, I felt the mental health worker practically called me an alcoholic because most nights prior to the recent 6months I would drink myself to sleep to avoid memories/nightmares of childhood trauma.

While the psych and myself were coming up with ideas regards a mental health plan the mental health worker butted in and stated that mental health is in turmoil, they've had all quit except one. They also said they are flying psychologists in from interstate. Which then made me think what's the point of asking for help if there is none here to be given, I then cut off my feelings to the psych and the next day told them what they needed/wanted to hear to be able to be released. As I felt they had taken away any hope of help and made me feel belittled by calling me an alcoholic when I had been sober for months prior to the situation.

My parent was in the room and all hospital staff were told to keep them away from me due to how they had made me feel while I was trying to search for help.

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Response from Louise Steedman, Operations Manager, East Pilbara, WA Country Health Service (WACHS) Pilbara 3 years ago
We are preparing to make a change
Louise Steedman
Operations Manager, East Pilbara,
WA Country Health Service (WACHS) Pilbara

Manages the operations of health services located in East Pilbara

Submitted on 17/03/2021 at 5:37 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 5:39 PM

Dear gammahn79,

I appreciate you taking the time to share your recent experience in accessing support for your mental health at the Hedland Health Campus. This must have been a very challenging time for you and I am sorry to read that elements of your care left you feeling hopeless and belittled. This is not the way we would like anyone to feel, particularly when sharing deeply personal issues.

We would expect that any mental health nurses who enter the room while you are in the midst of an appointment would demonstrate courtesy by introducing themselves to you in the first instance, and it is disappointing to read that this wasn't your experience. I am also sorry to read that you felt judged throughout your discussion and that you were interrupted. This is not the compassionate care that we strive for and I am grateful that you have brought this to my attention.

As a result of your feedback, we will ensure that we focus on providing compassionate and person-centred care. I would also like to let you know that the WA Country Health Service (WACHS) is committed to implementing the principles of trauma-informed care throughout the organisation and our WACHS Mental Health Team is currently developing a plan to do this; which will include training to all employees to support implementation.

Please be assured that the safety and wellbeing of those who use our service is our highest priority, and we do have a full team of staff that are available to support you. Your story mentions that you had begun the process of developing some strategies in partnership with your psychiatrist to support your mental health. I would like to ensure that you feel safe to continue receiving care so that you can continue to develop these strategies.

I have shared your story with Liam Avery who is the Manager for Mental Health and if you feel comfortable we would both like to work with you, so we can improve on the issues you have highlighted and ensure that you get the care that you require.

Your call would be very welcome, and my contact number is 91741038, or I am also available by email at

Kind Regards,

Louise Steedman

East Pilbara Operations Manager

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