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"My prolonged stay"

About: Bunbury Mental Health / Bunbury Acute Psychiatric Unit (APU)

(as the patient),

I stayed in Bunbury Hospital for a few days in total. I believe I was only supposed to stay overnight, but after my overnight stay I recall a clinician said that they don't know how long I will be there. I am writing feedback because my stay was terrible and I need to use my next therapy appointment to debrief.

First I was completely isolated from family and friends, due to covid restrictions, and I felt the staff were dismissive towards me when I said I wanted to go home to my family, I recall them saying things like I don't need someone here with me, I’m fine, why would I want to go home? I felt I had to tell them multiple times that I have Borderline Personality Disorder, yet they still spoke to me the way they did. I also recall I had to tell them many times that I was a vegetarian, and that I believe the food they gave me was making me sicker, I felt they didn't listen whatsoever. I told them I was feeling depressed and suicidal so they just gave me a diazepam, I believe this was instead of getting me someone to speak to. I didn't get to speak to anyone until about 12 hours later, and it seemed to me they only started to change things when this person demanded a difference in my treatment. I told them I felt they were making me sicker and I needed to go home so I could be in a familiar environment with my loved ones and I recall they said no, I felt it came down to me telling them I will kill myself if I don’t get to go home, so they finally said okay.

I recall they were an hour late with my discharge, and during my exit I believe they breached my patient confidentiality and I felt they humiliated me in front of random people, causing me to have a bad panic attack. I know this is nothing compared to what I believe others go through here, but it was enough to traumatise me and I no longer want to visit what I feel is an awful place. Based on my bad experience, I am speaking up so this can be changed!

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Response from Debbie Easther, Regional Manager Mental Health, WA Country Health Service - SW 2 years ago
Debbie Easther
Regional Manager Mental Health,
WA Country Health Service - SW

Manage Mental Health Services in the South West

Submitted on 14/02/2022 at 4:31 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 4:31 PM

picture of Debbie Easther

Dear aurigaes66

Thank you for reaching out to us on Care Opinion.

I am saddened to hear about what happened during your recent stay in Bunbury Hospital and I am sincerely sorry that you felt staff dismissed your concerns and you felt isolated. This must have been a very vulnerable time for you and I apologise that you have been left feeling traumatised.

We expect all of our staff to provide a supportive and caring environment for the people in our care, along with their families and carers and I would very much like to speak to you so I can understand more about what happened. If you are comfortable, please contact me on 08 9781 2312.

I agree with you that it is important to speak up to help create change – so thank you for doing just that.

I hope that you are doing better at home now and I that we hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely

Debbie Easther

Regional Manager Mental Health

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