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About: Bunbury Hospital / Sub-Acute Ward

(as the patient),

Absolutely poor communication skills between some nurses, even on handovers, even when done in front off me, I felt the nurse coming onto shift just didn't bother really even listening. It seemed it was all just ignored by majority of the nurses. There was a handful of nurses that were absolutely great, in my opinion, the bad ones outweigh the good ones unfortunately.

Two in particular, had no respect what's so ever I spent a couple of months days in hospital and towards the end of my stay I knew just about everything about other patients. Between some of the seemingly bad nurses, they didn't keep anyone problems to themselves, they would be standing outside my room door and talking about the whole thing.

I was only in there to learn to walk again, my hearing is absolutely amazing, now I'm big on privacy and confidentiality, but no I felt they didn't care. It got to the point that I just wanted to leave there, they had no respect for me or anyone else in the ward, I've also expressed my concerns regarding my own privacy but 90% of them didn't seem to care, when it came to respecting my privacy at all.

I mean it just got to the point I felt I knew I wasn't going to get the respect from the nurses, so my whole attitude towards them changed, I told the co-ordinator off, I wasn't going to just deal any longer at all. I got to know some of the patients within my stay with Bunbury hospital and I just couldn't believe some of the stuff that the staff were just talking about in the hallways out side of patient rooms....

One day I heard them talking about one patient who I got to know, heard way more then I ever needed to know, so the next day when I had seen this patient and the partner, I just told them both what was said and what I have now unofficially in a way been told....

I felt there was so much of absolutely disgusting behaviour from most of the staff, they seemingly b**** about the patients needing the support they needed, they never seemed to read the mobility information done by the occupational therapist or physiotherapy

One afternoon, when I was sharing a room with another patient, they were trying to get this other patient up out of bed, again I believe they didn't bother to read the mobility instructions on the cupboard doors, so lucky me being all ready out of bed and in the wheelchair, I heard the staff yelling out for help, as patient was falling to the floor and they couldn't hit staff assist - neither could I unfortunately but I've gone out to the reception area and I've just yelled at one nurse. Cause where I stopped was which made them a lot closer to the room I'm in at the time, still be able to hear the other staff yelling out for someone to come in and help her....

Then there was a lot of stuff happening over the 2 months I was there, so in my opinion, this is the biggest joke out!!!!! Nurse are allocated patient loads fine, but they don't all go on break at once, one night the nurse that was on with me ( really good nurse) was told to go on break, she then told them my room number and bed number that I was in the shower to please just keep an eye out for the buzzer cause I actually really did need the help anyways I've pressed the buzzer I waited over 45 mins for the nurse to come help me. I had to wait for my nurse to come off break to help me....

Another day I'm trying to get help from the bed to the bathroom, I pressed for someone to come help me I waited 1.5 hours before I got the angry, I called the Bunbury main line and asked to be transferred to the ward they didn't answer the phone, I was losing it, I knew I couldn't do it by myself so the lady from main reception then called the co-ordinator who I didn't end up seeing at all.

30 mins after I called the reception I finally have someone coming in to see what I needed.

At the end of my stay I really don't think anyone wanted me to stay any longer but I'll be completely honest right now, I didn't want to stay there for another second as soon as I found out discharge paperwork was complete and I was going the next day I organised for someone to pick me up the day I found out that it's complete.

I've told about 10% of the nurses that were very professional towards me and treated me the way they wanted to be treated that I'm never going to be coming back... based on my experience I'd rather be at home before I ever end up back there....

I've reminded the 90% of nurses who I felt didn't like my attitude towards them that respect goes both ways, I'm not going to respect anyone who can't show the same towards me, my life got hard not being able to walk and having to except help from others, but I was raised to always treat and talking to others the way you would like to be treated and spoken to..

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from John Brearley, Co-Director Stream A, Bunbury Hospital, WACHS - South West 5 months ago
John Brearley
Co-Director Stream A, Bunbury Hospital,
WACHS - South West

Stream A includes: Medical Ward, Medical B, Subacute, ICU, Emergency Department and Ambulatory Care at the Homemaker

Submitted on 15/05/2024 at 11:35 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 12:38 PM

Dear learningst38,

My thanks for taking the time to provide this information. I'm very sorry there were many challenges for you during this admission. The Rehabilitation program at Bunbury has an excellent reputation, so I am somewhat surprised and concerned to learn that your experience of care did not meet your requirements.

We are a hospital committed to improving all aspects of our treatment and care. To this end, I will certainly share your feedback with the team for their reflection and review.

As your feedback is anonymous, I would also invite you to contact Angela our Patient Engagement Coordinator on 9722 1521 if you would like to discuss your admission experiences more fully.

Once again, my sincere apologies for the concern and distress you experienced whilst a patient with us.

Do let us know if there is any further assistance we can provide to support you at this time.

I wish you well with your recovery.

Kind regards

John Brearley

Service Co-Director

Bunbury Hospital

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Response from John Brearley, Co-Director Stream A, Bunbury Hospital, WACHS - South West 4 months ago
John Brearley
Co-Director Stream A, Bunbury Hospital,
WACHS - South West

Stream A includes: Medical Ward, Medical B, Subacute, ICU, Emergency Department and Ambulatory Care at the Homemaker

Submitted on 2/07/2024 at 6:50 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 3/07/2024 at 9:30 AM

Hi learningst38,

Just thought I'd follow up to see if you wanted to contact Angela our Patient Engagement Coordinator on 9722 1521 if you would like to discuss your admission experiences more fully.

Many thanks.

John Brearley

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