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"Hospital Stay"

About: Bunbury Hospital / Surgical Ward

(as a parent/guardian),

My child who spent 18 days in hospital, who has multiple disabilities, and I stayed with them the whole time as I am their advocate. They were quite sick, and I didn’t feel like I was being listened too.

The weekday Dr (Dr. Nithy) was so nice, kind and very thorough and have no issues at all with him. I didn’t feel the same with the surgical Drs this is where I felt not being listened too. I felt whenever Dr. Nithy would request something it seemed to be stopped and go no further.

Most of the Nurses were amazing, I did have one who was going to give my child more medicine, but I said they've already had that, they said I’ll go and check then came back and said - oops sorry wrong room! Now if I hadn’t been there who knows what would have happened

Then, I recall the surgical Dr told me, They're all good you can take them home, after all it is Friday! Well, we were in for 3 other Fridays after that! Things got cancelled and I just felt like they thought I was being overprotective parent, but as my child can’t voice or tell us feelings, I am their voice in situations like this! 

Their pain threshold is so high, so when they were saying they were in pain, they would have been in extreme pain.  I even called the "Aishwarya's CAREcall" number and yes, they responded ASAP one night and said all the right things to me, even said the next day we would sit down and discuss the plan for my child with the Drs, well I'm still waiting for that meeting - this never happened. 

Then a couple of days later with my child's Scope was meant to go ahead and was cancelled, I spoke to a Co-ordinator there to ask for a dr to come and see me and explain, they said yes give me 10 mins and I'll find out - well once again I'm still and never heard from them.  Then my child's heart rate would Tacky all the time and I recall one nurse said - they must be excited! um no they're definitely not excited! 

This is and was a very stressful time for my child and the rest of my family and we still don't have any answers to why, but we will be going into an outpatient clinic to hopefully get the results. 

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Response from Jacinta Cover, Consultant General Surgery, Head of Department, Medical Co Director, Surgery, WACHS South West 2 weeks ago
Jacinta Cover
Consultant General Surgery, Head of Department, Medical Co Director, Surgery,
WACHS South West
Submitted on 20/09/2024 at 1:23 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 2:56 PM

Dear Concerned Parent 2024,

My name is Dr Jacinta Cover and I am the medical Co-Director for surgical service at Bunbury Hospital. I am sorry to hear about your experience with what sounds like a prolonged admission for your child. I hope you are both ok and that your child is making progress with recovery.

I apologise that your experience with the care team didn't meet your expectations. I would like to investigate your child's care further and also explore how we can assist with your ongoing care and treatment especially to facilitate follow up for the scope if required.

If you would like to contact me I can be reached via email or phone 9722 2726.

Kind regards,

Dr Jacinta Cover

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