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Version 2 API: overview


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Version 2 of our API is now available, and version 1 is retired. The new version differs from Version 1 in some important ways:

  • Version 2 offers a wider range of content, including stories, responses, tags, health services and treatment functions
  • Content is available in JSON, JSONP and XML representations
  • API access is always in the context of a subscription on Care Opinion

As a result, use of the version 2 API is both time-bound and scoped to the same set of stories and responses as your subscription.

Entity relationship diagram

Here's an overview of the entities represented in our data, and how they relate to one another.

Entity relationship diagram

Note that healthservices are modelled as a single-parented hierarchy: a healthservice may have one parent and many children.

Healthservices provide treatment functions (specialties).

Opinions are posted about healthservices. An opinion may have tags, and a collection of responses.

The entities and relationships in the API correspond exactly to those visible and navigable via this website.
