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"Logan House Rehabilitation Program"

About: Logan House Residential Rehabilitation Facility

(as the patient),

I have had a problem with alcohol most of my life. The control alcohol had on my life lead to the brake up of my marriage and I had minimal access to my children. As a result I contacted Logan House to be assessed for admission and felt the warmth from the lovely staff member I spoke to. I went to rehab for a week then commenced rehabilitation at Logan House. At first I found it difficult to handle the new environment after having no structure in my life for so long. When I learnt to just go with the flow my mind cleared and I began to absorb information. This combined with the wonderful support from the staff I was able to complete the full program. I am eternally grateful for Logan House for allowing me to grow and for helping me realise there are healthier ways to deal with stress than by using drugs and alcohol.

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Response from Julie Dignan, Director (Data and Quality), Lives Lived Well 7 years ago
Julie Dignan
Director (Data and Quality),
Lives Lived Well
Submitted on 18/04/2017 at 10:36 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 10:38 AM

Hi Mum mum,

Thank you so much for sharing your story on Care Opinion, and for acknowledging your gratitude towards our staff. We are so pleased that the Logan House Rehabilitation Program was able to assist you in your recovery journey. We wish you all the very best for the future.

Warm regards

Julie Dignan

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