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"Lifestyle Therapy and Training Services"

About: LTTS - Blackwater Outreach Services - Blackwater (CheckUp Australia)

(as the patient),

I have lived in the Bowen Basin for the last 35 years and suffered extensively from migraines and muscle tension for 40 plus years. I have had treatment from a wide variety of Medical Specialists during that time, all based away from home, usually in Brisbane which is a vast distance away. Lifestyle Therapies and Training Solution's brings the therapies to the town I live in and for the first time in 40 plus years I am experiencing significant improvement to my migraines. My particular therapist is Glen who is the Principal Occupational Therapist and an absolute Godsend to me. Throughout the treatments over the past year and a half he has taught me how to help myself, after all these years I am finally getting significant relief and in my own town!

Lifestyle Therapies and Training Solution's also brings the services of ‎Psychologist Ashley to our town and for that I am very thankful. Ashley has help me immensely through a period of grief by listening and teaching me strategies of coping.

I am so grateful that these services are provided to our town.

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Response from Glen McIntyre, Director / CEO, LTTS 8 years ago
Glen McIntyre
Director / CEO,
Submitted on 10/03/2016 at 5:30 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 11/03/2016 at 8:59 AM

Thank you very much for your feedback.

We really appreciate knowing that our services make a difference! I am thankful that by providing health information you are having significant relief and have self management techniques at your disposal.

I will also pass on your generous words to Ashley - he will really appreciate the supportive sentiment.

We are also thankful that we can provide these services in small rural towns and bring quality clinicians to provide these services through the support of CheckUp and Government Departments.

Thanks again!

Glen McIntyre

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Response from Karen Hale-Robertson, CheckUP COO, CheckUp Australia 8 years ago
Karen Hale-Robertson
CheckUP COO,
CheckUp Australia
Submitted on 10/03/2016 at 5:34 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 11/03/2016 at 8:59 AM

Dear Thankful Mother

Thank you so much for your feedback. It is really wonderful to read that after such a long time you are finally finding some relief from your migraines and muscle tension. I have no doubt that these conditions have caused you significant pain and discomfort over the 40 years mentioned. It's particularly great to read that it's Glen from LTTS, one of our Outreach services, who is playing a key role in this progress.

I am also very glad to read that you are receiving great benefit from your sessions with LTTS psychologist, Ashley. Grief is never something easily dealt with and your feedback is proof that good support from a professional can make a big difference.

Our Outreach program is all about delivering quality health care close to home so it's heartening to read that this is one of the aspects you've appreciated most.

All stories received from patients on Patient Opinion are shared with the relevant service provider. I am sure Glen and Ashley from LTTS will be appreciative of the time you have taken to write this feedback and that it will provide them with confirmation that the great work they do is appreciated by the person that matters most - their patient.

Warm regards

Karen Hale-Robertson

Chief Operating Officer - Health Services, CheckUP

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