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Training sessions with Care Opinion


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Subscribing organisations have direct access to our support team email or phone us and we are always happy to support you the best we can.

If you need help and your organisation has not yet subscribed, please email Jude Bridgeman, the Project Manager for this project, who will get to your request as soon as possible.

How to... Sessions

A dedicated Care Opinion staff member will be conducting several training sessions via the videoconference program, Zoom. Whether you are looking for new ideas to generate stories, respond well or would like to know more about the reports and visualisations, it might be just what you are looking for.

You'll find session descriptions below, with training videos (coming soon!) that will further explain and demonstrate each of the following topics:

How to generate stories

This training session covers different ideas on how to encourage people to give feedback using the Care Opinion platform.

We’ll help you:-

  • Understand online, postal and phone feedback routes
  • Get the most from our print materials
  • Enhance your online promotion, using our logos, widgets, kiosk or invitation links

(Training video coming soon!)

How to respond and demonstrate impact

Great if you are a new responder, someone who formulates responses or someone who’s been responding for a while and looking for some inspiration!

We’ll help you:-

  • Think about what people might want from a response
  • Understand what makes a good response
  • Get impact from your feedback - and show it
  • Think strategically about responding and change
  • Use subscription or private tags to help you track your responses and updates

How to generate reports and visualisations

Great if you are responsible for showing how you drive quality improvement, and providing evidence of how you listen and change as a result of feedback.

We’ll help you:-

  • Understand the search facility
  • Explore how reports help you to drive change and improve quality
  • Learn how to use our reporting and visualisation tool in ways that will impress!

How to make the most of subscriber tagging

A perfect webinar to teach you not only what Subscriber or Story tagging is, but how it can be used strategically to help with your subscription, responding and even quality improvement.

We'll help you:-

  • Learn the basic functionality and understand the difference between private, subscription and public tags.
  • Learn how to track story progress of key themes using tags
  • Use tags for specific projects

Managing your subscription

If you are responsible for managing your subscription and have the role of Administrator, this is the session for you!

We’ll help you:-

  • Understand your subscription and the features of your role
  • Add people to your subscription, allocate and change member roles
  • Search for and manage stories
  • Manage alerts and scheduled reports

How to book your session:

Simply email us (Care Opinion and Jude Bridgeman) and tell us your name, job title and organisation to find out the next training session dates, and we will forward you a meeting invitation and the link to join. 

Please keep in mind that we are based in Queensland, and from 1 October 2021, daylight savings will be in effect in Victoria, putting you 1 hour ahead of us. 

Training times may not yet be confirmed as they will be dependant on demand, however, they are typically held on a Wednesday or Thursday.

What do you need?

  • A computer with an Internet connection.
  • Access to a phone or you can use a headset with a microphone to call in.
  • We recommend that you have a chat with your IT Department so they know you're going to be using this platform as they might need to make some changes to your access rights and firewalls.

Session durations do vary according to the content and level of engagement, however, they are typically around 1 hour.
