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Key Benefits for Services


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Care Opinion Australia: your change and consumer engagement tool to humanise care

Care Opinion Australia is a platform that facilitates transparent, two-way communications between consumers and providers of health, community and aged care services in Australia about personal experiences of care.

Care Opinion allows subscribing service providers to strengthen their consumer feedback tools. Stories told can be used to reinforce positive outputs, drive service improvement within the organisation, and demonstrate the organisation’s readiness to operate transparently.

Consumers submit their feedback in the form of a story via the Care Opinion platform; an account of the care experience, and the service provider responds. All stories and responses are moderated to ensure stories are constructive, regardless of whether the experience was good or bad, and all parties remain safe.

Care Opinion gives consumers a voice without the risk of social media and the ever popularise of naming and shaming, and online trolling of conversations it brings.Image title


Benefit from a cost-effective feedback management system

Once embedded effectively, Care Opinion has the ability Image titleto decrease normal complaints and increase positive stories. As noted by one NSW subscriber that saw a 30% decrease in formal complaints. Costs associated with the management of negative feedback can be reduced and a positive organisational culture improves productivity.

Collect 'Patient Reported Experience Measures' (PREMs)

Care Opinion offers standardised survey tools to gain further insights into service experience, with a variety of reports, including:Image titlePREMs are a proven way to capture a person's lived experience of their care or support journey.

Alert internal contacts across all levels of the organisation to stories

Designed to support a variety of staff, Care Opinion’s alert features can be:

  • created based on customised needs
  • provided in relation to story progress or lack thereof based on a range of set timeframes.
  • used to notify board members through to front-line workers of individual stories or as a weekly summary of stories received.
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    Utilise in-depth reporting functionality

    Care Opinion’s reporting features can extract a variety of data, to support board and management reports, including, but not limited to:Image title

    Work toward industry frameworks

    (NSQHS and ACQ Standards )

    Care Opinion can support health services to demonstrate compliance across different national standards and a range of other national frameworks. By actively engaging and responding to consumer feedback Care Opinion can assist subscribers to demonstrate that they are working toward accreditation, certification, or verification with frameworks such as:

  •  National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards (Standard 2 - Partnering with consumers)
  •  Aged Care Quality Standards (Standard 6 - Feedback and complaints, Standard 8 -Organisational governance)

    For more information or to subscribe today:

    T: 07 3354 4525

