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Scoping the Project


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Icon image for Phase 1's purpose


This phase is designed to articulate the strategic purpose of implementing the platform, and how relational feedback aligns with and/or complements current feedback processes and priorities and its application with the health service organisation’s Partnering with Consumers activities.

Click through to read the following elements each Implementation Guide Phase includes:

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Ideally, this phase will be complete two (2) months after the subscription contract (Service Agreement) has been signed and returned to Care Opinion Australia or after your organisation has decided to reinvigorate its use of the platform.

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Download Phase 1 | Scoping the Project Implementation Guide and Action Plan.


We've talked about the purpose of Phase 1. Now we are going to take a look at the outcomes you will have ideally achieved before moving on to Phase 2 | Foundational Preparation.

They are broken down into three categories with each outcome being linked to a specific item in the action plan.


  • Active support and commitment secured from the Board of Directors.
  • The impact of change on each stakeholder group is understood and key messages are developed according to the desired change impact.
  • Board of Directors has a mechanism to be kept up to date with progress with the organisational change process and the role they can have to support momentum.
  • Operational and Executive leads work collaboratively to position and align the Care Opinion platform with organisational priorities and values.

Set Up

  • 1-5 key Site Administrators are identified to oversee the quality and implementation of the subscription scope.


  • Potential champions are consulted with and set up to receive story alerts and respond to stories.
  • Key messages are developed and ready for release to internal stakeholders.

Return to Phase 1 homepage. 
