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Response by multiple staff members

It's always nice for a storyteller to receive more than one response to their story. This might be from a response from staff in different positions in the organisational hierarchy or staff from within different departments if relevant to the story. On other occasions, it is appropriate to provide a follow up response to your initial posting. Here are some examples.

Radiology social contact (Crit 0)

Root canal (Crit 0)

Treatment in hospital (Crit 2)

Psychological safety

Recent research has highlighted the differences between the concepts of 'feeling safe' and 'being safe'

'Being safe' is characterised by minimising the risk of patient harm, however, 'feeling safe' is more about emotional safety of patient experience. Some of the consequences of not feeling safe are fear, mistrust, medical trauma, loss of confidence in the healthcare provider or healthcare system and decreased healthcare utilisation.

Acknowledging emotional or psychological safety is paramount when responding to a story that details the impact this has had on a patient's wellbeing, even if there was no physical patient harm. Here is an example of a responder doing so extremely well.

Squamous cell carcinoma removal (Crit 4)

Response to an older story prior to subscription

When a service provider is not partnered with Care Opinion at the time a story is published, they may elect to provide a response. That position can change, however, thus there are occasions when a response is provided to a historical story. Here is an example of how one responding office handled this situation.

Respect and care  (Crit 0)

The fabulous Shareen and Louisa (Crit 0)
