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2013 - Year 2


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2013 saw story numbers grow! With more stories came a wider range of storytellers and themes. In these stories, we've explored our early day's approach to moderating compared to our sophisticated practice today.

Image title

A comparison of moderation

As you can see from the image below, the moderation process and our moderation principles have evolved significantly over time. 

Image title

Green (service name)

As you can see above, the service's name was included in the title of this story. Service names are no longer mentioned in the title of stories that are critical in any way, or become like 'clickbait' to draw people into reading stories without being a true and accurate reflection of the story content. 

Red (usernames)

In the story from 2013, you can see the author's username of 'bibby67' contains information that we would now remove. Usernames that indicate potential names/nicknames, age or birth year (along with other things) will now be anonymised to protect the author's identity to the service and in the public domain.

Purple (quotes)

The use of quotation marks ("") where an author relays what a staff member says are also often removed as these statements are based on recalling conversations. It is inappropriate of us to put words into the mouths of others, so we keep this in mind when moderating.

Yellow (identifiable information)

The gender of the staff involved in critical stories, or critical comments are no longer left in, as we are not in the business of naming and shaming. Providing constructive feedback that still focuses on the essence of the experience without identifiable information such as staff member/other names, gender and timeframes, is one of the main reasons the Care (Patient) Opinion platform exists.

Blue (tagging)

Tagging of stories has also changed considerably. Tagging is an incredibly useful tool that allows users and subscribing services to search for stories based on keywords or phrases that are added as 'tags'. As we have created a larger base of tags, it is now a lot easier to search for stories and key themes in the expanse of stories told on Care (Patient) Opinion Australia.

Most common tags

The 'most common tags' for 2013 gives an overview of the tags most frequently used in stories throughout the year, and the number of times they were used. Keep an eye out for how these have changed over the years or check in with the 2016 year to see how they were better utilised in the future.
