The year began with a milestone celebration of 2,000 stories published on Care (Patient) Opinion Australia, a wonderful achievement for the platform! We truly owe it to the members of the public who took the time to share these stories through the website and placed their trust in the platform to make their voices heard!
The capture below shows the top 2, Most Common Tags for the three tagging categories on Care Opinion. These are the results from a Care Opinion search based on stories that were posted from 22nd February 2012 (date of the first published story) until 21st February 2017.
By the end of 2017, we were just shy of our next milestone as we closed the year with a total of 2,952 stories published. As seen below, the data shows 5% of stories had responses that led to a change planned and/or made, and 56% were considered entirely positive feedback.
New Subscribers!
Bass Coast Health (VIC) - In their first 12 months of becoming subscribers, Bass Coast Health (BCH) received 40 stories, mainly related to Wonthaggi Hospital and Allied Health services. Fast forward to 2022, they continue to engage with their consumers through Care Opinion with an outstanding response rate as well as how 'helpful' these responses are, as marked by public readers and storytellers themselves. Furthermore, 30 of those stories so far have led to a change planned and/or made. Like this story for example, which showcases the transparent dialogue between the CEO, Jan Child and the storyteller, along with images to demonstrate the changes made as a result of this patient’s experience about ‘A recent procedure’.
East Metropolitan Health Service / North Metropolitan Health Service / South Metropolitan Health Service (WA) - Adoption of the Care (Patient) Opinion platform continued to grow as we welcomed the three (3) Metropolitan Health Services in WA that year. Prior to their subscriptions, consumers had already began sharing their healthcare experiences via the website that were published only a few years earlier. The results in 2017 captured 40% of stories as being entirely positive for each Metropolitan health service provider (HSP). Five years on with a continuous increase in story numbers, the top 5 tags shown below indicate what storytellers felt were 'good' and 'what could be improved' about each HSP so far, based on their experiences: